株式会社日欧トレーディング<Giovanni Galli / Hats & Dreams / PushHard / Gallia>

株式会社 日欧トレーディング Welcom to our Home Page


<株式会社 日欧トレーディング>

Company Policy






Nichio Trading is a professional trading company that brings decades of experience, and is known for its ability to work with clients in both traditional and innovative fashion.  Nichio Trading Inc. has established its reputation forging an extended and solid worldwide trading business network, covering Europe, Asia and USA.

Nichio Trading core business and focus is global trading partnership delivering the ultimate business experience, where The Voice of The Customer comes first.   Companies choose Nichio Trading for their ability to deliver efficiency, productivity improvement, and for making positive impact on the business bottom line.

In essence, Nichio Trading mission “World class partnership - Ultimate customer satisfaction - Measurable business value” is to accelerate Brand awareness and Product to market, and to facilitate and augment business market share penetration. We continuously leverage tradition and innovation, and ensure a maximum of execution transparency to our partners and customers.

It is a privilege and a delightful experience to be working with our portfolio of outstanding Partner and Customer, without which this company will not have existence.  We are committed to your success and continue to look forward to a mutual growing business experience - Your success is our success. Thank you.

Business Contents


1. アパレル製品(紳士服・婦人服 等)、皮革製品(バッグ・革小物・靴 等)、アクセサリー・服飾雑貨(帽子・傘・スカーフ 等)・インテリア雑貨(グラスウェア・食器・花器 等)、食料品(マロングラッセ・チョコレート・洋菓子 等)等の輸出入業務 及び 卸売業務 ・小売販売業務 
2. 欧州アパレル製品、皮革製品、服飾雑貨 等のエージェント業務
3. マーケティングリサーチ業 及び 貿易コンサルティング業
4. インターネット・カタログによる通信販売


1. WILLIAM YEOWARD CRYSTAL(英国・クリスタルガラス)輸入・販売業務

2. VECCHI - HATS & DREAMS(イタリア・帽子)代理店業務

3. GIOVANNI GALLI(イタリア・マロングラッセ)輸入・販売業務

4. GALLIA - Made in Italy(イタリア・シャツ)代理店業務

5. 貿易代行業務全般

6. 販売代理業務全般

7. 貿易コンサルティング


2025.01.23 Thursday